Sunday, May 22, 2011

Animals Huddled Together

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  • mrblack927
    Mar 31, 08:35 AM
    About iCal....

    I don't know... I kinda like it. I guess I don't really care either way. I mean really, what's the big difference? Just the leather-like pattern at the top? It's the same as address book (in Lion). They're designing them to match their iPad counterparts.

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  • twoodcc
    Nov 7, 07:40 AM
    congrats to SteveMoody for 5 million!

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  • zoozx
    Sep 7, 08:14 AM
    ps this download system will never work until the time it takes to DL a full movie is under 2 hrs. Most films now are 4-8 gigs.

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  • toddybody
    Apr 19, 12:23 PM
    Check the 'refurbished' section on - There you usually buy many of the previous generation model, thats where the 'stock' often ends up. You also might get good deals on previous generation on or similar sides (but as this article points out, many 3rd party resellers are running low in stock - so there might not be many discounted 'old' models). I often buy machines in the refurbished section from apples site - nothing wrong with those and full warranty (but a couple of hunded dollars cheaper - also for current generation models)

    Right on. MicroCenter also has some good deals on previous models. My dad bought a Dual Core i3 27inch iMac for 1399.99 brand new there...:)

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  • Chundles
    Aug 7, 03:31 AM
    An image of the new iPhone just came out! I can't reveal the source I got it from, but you have to trust me, this is the real deal!


    Dat iz teh secks!!

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  • iJawn108
    Nov 29, 03:25 PM
    i dont know i might buy an itv if i buy a tv lol

    i dont have one right now. my macbook is my tv/computer/gf lol

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  • spicyapple
    Nov 29, 01:40 PM
    Maybe you can do video iChat sessions with an optional iSight camera right from the livingroom TV?

    This reminds me of the old Zenith TVs with space phones where you could talk to a caller from the comfort of your sofa. (but voices usually sounded like it was underwater).

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  • milo
    Sep 6, 08:48 AM
    Hmm... the Mini still has no Core 2 Duo? That does not sound too promising for MacBook (Pro) updates... unless Apple only wants to use the Core 2 Duo for the high end laptops (MacBook Pro) of course... Or are they waiting untill Leopard has been released?

    We'll see it soon in the macbook pro, I'd guess the MB will be later on.

    So are all the yonah naysayers ready for a big plate of crow?

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  • atad6
    Aug 29, 11:16 AM
    This is exactly what I predicted would happen when Apple went Intel. Now that Macs can be compared component for component with Wintel machines and new hardware is coming out every month, everyone is worked up about keeping up with latest thing at the best possible price and getting increasingly frustrated with Apple's unwillingness to create a product line with 10000 different machines that each compete with dollar for dollar and component for component with every other machine on the market. Meanwhile, we have people talking about $299 machines with DVD burners (AND Windows? I'd like to see THAT!).

    If you're so concerned about keeping up with the Jones, just buy a Dell, already.

    I find this amusing as well, all these complaints about how apple is too slow, has outdated hardware, etc etc. Now suddenly that apple's have comparable hardware suddenly they have to follow the same upgrade path as the rest of pc manufactures so they're not obsolete. Remember the g4 powerbooks? They were not only completely underpowered compared to its pc counterparts but also still ridiculously overpriced for what they were performance wise. That can be seen considering the current macbook pros have been proven to be 5x faster in some areas. Now that merom is coming out with a marginal (compared to the g4 to intel transition) 10-15% performance increase many people are complaining that the current yonah processors are just too slow. I just find this amusing considering people bought the underpowered overpriced powerbooks for so long. Apple just has a different business model, whether it is always executed properly is up for debate. They just have different priorities. Who knows when apple will put out the next revision of macbooks but if you're worring about it from a performance perspective you should probably consider buying a pc.

    Of course I could be completely wrong and with the whole intel transition apple could put out rapid upgrades to its lines just like the rest of the pc world. I was just going with history, just because apple uses intel chips doesn't mean they'll adopt them like the other companies.

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  • netdog
    Aug 25, 12:04 PM
    Why would updated mac minis be such a high security product. Its nothing revolutionary so why would apple want so much security on the shipping of them? Im hoping for something BIG

    Now you're talking. I want my iFon

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  • Peterkro
    Mar 19, 03:13 PM
    The French and British also have AWACS capabilities.

    As does NATO and er the Saudis who have more than France.The U.K. has wasted billions trying to make it's own version rather than the Boeing one everyone now uses.(except the Russians and possibly the Chinese who have their own AWACS.)

    ( also due to the strange folk who track flights and then identify the plane types,U.S. and U.K. AWACS and spyplanes have been in the Med for around three weeks,they don't need to overfly Libya to know what's going on).
    (Jesus,BBC reporting septics have fired 110 Tomahawks already at $1 million each,Raytheon shares will be on the up soon).
    (plus the Brits have fired some)

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  • Mac'Mo
    Jan 1, 10:46 PM
    i thought the iPhone rumor was laid to rest?

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  • MacRumors
    Jan 11, 04:51 PM (

    I've heard various whispers about the new thin MacBook. Here are a few additional tidbits and confirmations about what might be coming from Apple on Tuesday.

    - A slim notebook, but not a "sub notebook"
    - 13.3" screen
    - Not a "Pro" machine
    - External Optical Drive
    - It will be called the MacBook Air

    A reminder, though, that Apple has been known to seed people with false specs/designs, so these whispers may not be accurate... but we believe they are.

    Article Link (

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  • Frosticus
    Apr 20, 08:10 AM
    So what are we looking at? 1-2 weeks?:cool:
    I hope so! Lots of time to play with it while I'm on Easter break from work! :)

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  • Fishrrman
    Apr 3, 11:16 AM
    celticpride wrote:
    "It worked for me too on DP1. On DP2, I had to install Snow Leopard first."

    and NameUndecided replied:
    "DP2 can't install on a blank disk/partition. Needs to install as an update on top of DP 1 or Snow Leopard. (?)"

    I just installed DP2 onto a blank partition on a spare disk.

    What I did:
    - Booted up in DP1
    - Opened disk image of DP2 onto the desktop
    - Launched the installer. When it prompted me for a volume to install to, I selected a blank partition
    - Installed DP2 onto the blank partition (it requires a reboot after the "preparing to install phase" to get to the actual "install" -- Apple should make this clear to users during the installation process that a reboot is part of the normal installation)
    - After the installer was finished, it automatically booted up to DP2 and ran the "Welcome to Mac" song. It then began the regular process of registration.
    - When it asked if I wished to "migrate over" from another Mac (or volume), I choose to import everything from DP1
    - After that, all is well.

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  • apb3
    Aug 16, 03:33 PM
    FORGET SIRIUS... Its not gonna happen. Why implement somthing that can ony be used in the USA. There are more countries in the world thaty buy ipods. If you want sirius buy a device with sirius, dont put this crap which only you people can use on ipods.

    iPods were pretty popular and quite a money maker when only US customers could get them and, later, when only US customers could buy online if memory serves...

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  • spinedoc77
    Nov 6, 11:38 AM
    They are just doing it for publicity I bet...

    I've only had one dropped call with my iPhone 4

    I've got 2 ip4's, one for me and one for my wife. They drop calls quite frequently, I wouldn't say a huge amount more than our old 3GS', but definitely noticeable more drops. It's funny how people who have no problems say that no one has any problems, but they do. I can noticeably drop my signal bars by just pressing my thumb on the antenna seam, and if I'm in a low signal area I can usually make the phone drop a call by putting my hand on that seam.

    Now I still own my ip4, I like it, don't love it, but like it for what it does enough for me to keep it. I'm not complaining, but there is a need to temper both the "there is no problem" AND the "sky is falling" camps. Invariably, as with most other stuff in life, the truth lies somewhere in the middle, and there are some problems with the iphone4 but they aren't deal breakers. I think this is the vast majority of users who follow along on these forums and are amused by the vitriolic camps on both sides who fight to the bitter end to prove their point, I know I'm certainly amused at how much energy some put in to prove their point.

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  • ncbill
    Jan 11, 08:17 PM
    13" screen means you can only shave about a pound off the Macbook's current weight - so a 4lb, not 3lb. notebook.

    If the above is true, then I guess this is not a macbook lite, but a macbook pro lite, so I'd expect starting price of $1999.

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  • Leet Apple
    Feb 28, 12:37 PM

    How do i get that screensaver on my MBP

    Apr 1, 11:02 PM
    Use the dev version instead. A lot more stable than the beta one.

    Which is kind of ironic.

    Google is likely going to be updating the dev build of Chrome to work with Lion has they have been doing over the past month, rather than the stable or beta builds.

    Nov 29, 03:35 PM
    With HDMI, they'd have to be shooting higher than 480p. I'd say they'd go all out with 1080p, why not?

    Jan 23, 04:11 PM

    2009 Challenger R/T

    Yes, mate. Black stripes every time you go somewhere! (Although that could get pricey :P )

    Apr 2, 07:02 PM
    Marketing geniuses :)

    Nov 17, 07:33 PM
    IMO, what Apple really needs is a system between the Mac Pro and iMac. A smaller tower or cube style system with a single Kentsfield or Clovertown CPU with 2 or 3 PCI-E slots, two HDD bays, optical bay and using cheaper, more conventional RAM - like up to 8GB DDR2. Apple is ignoring an entire segment of the market and it seems like they're trying to use the small difference in price between a maxed-out 24" iMac and a relatively low-end Mac Pro as justification for nothing in the middle.I agree. Apple's view of the market is very strange. They seem to think their customers either only want an all-in-one two core solution or an extremely expensive top of the line 4 or 8 core solution. Hopefully Kentsfield will find a home in a new Mac line in 2007.

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