Monday, May 23, 2011

hairstyles help

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  • l3lack J4ck
    Nov 23, 10:12 PM
    so guys,

    does anyone think that the discounts will be able to be used in conjunction with educational discounts? if so that'd be great...if not...then i guess you still save an additional 50 bucks? that'd be ok!

    tell me what you think about hte question?

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  • John Purple
    Jan 15, 02:00 PM
    Not one MacBook with Penryn (SSE4)
    Not one model with Blue-Ray
    MBP old old old
    Aperture same as MBP
    Is MBA revolutionary? I don't know.
    Just sold my Apple shares.

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  • Dammit Cubs
    Jul 21, 02:12 PM
    Apple is proving a point. A point that most consumers, many people on these macrumors boards and even intelligent users don't understand.

    ALL phones are subject to detuning. The amount of detuning is up to the phone but this is natural. When someone told me, your signal drops when hold the iphone in a wierd s***.

    Anyone with half a brain should already know the outcome. Also, holding your phone a certain way doesn't create a blackhole. It creates a constant -24dbm drop. I'll say that again. CONSTANT! Not accelerating.

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  • gloss
    Sep 12, 07:29 AM
    Didn't Lion's Gate mention the movie store in some recent internal conference? I doubt we'll be seeing just the iTunes Disney & Pixar Movie Store today. Fewer studios than we might like, but I can't imagine they'd launch without, y'know, a couple movies for grownups.

    Disney owns several studios that produce 'grown up' movies.

    (Disney Companies: Disney, Touchstone, Hollywood, Miramax, Buena Vista, Pixar)

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  • DewGuy1999
    Apr 10, 05:53 PM
    A&W Coney, Onion Rings and Root Beer for dinner...yum!

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  • Irishman
    Jan 11, 04:43 PM
    Quite childish behavior, I agree.

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  • Eidorian
    Sep 12, 08:27 AM
    I hope we can get 10.4.8 too. :rolleyes:

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  • themadchemist
    Jan 12, 02:12 PM
    OK, this is funny. Yes, mean, but funny.

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  • iRobby
    Mar 25, 12:07 AM
    Happy Birthday Mac OS X!! But OMG I am so terrified because I have been so slow compared to all of you. This summer I'll be getting my first Mac machine (a 2011 iMac 27" Quad Core) in my house since Apple IIe.

    So Mac OS X Lion will take my virginity!! The reason I'm so terrified is because I'm not switching from Windows 7 or Windows Vista but from Windows XP! yes this Dell is from 2005!! So it'll probably be a great task playing catch up! HELP!!

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  • bommai
    Oct 17, 09:41 AM
    That comment about not including the burner is interesting, and I'm at least trying to give it some more thoughtful consideration. Who really needs to burn 30 - 50 GB of data? For backup solutions, wouldn't just getting a huge external hard drive be more practical? Portability might be a factor there, but external drives aren't that cumbersome I don't think. I'm thinking that the majority use of those HD media burners would be to copy movies with illicit applications. Could Apple put in place some protection framework that attempted to only allow creative-works-originating software to burn HD discs, (ie, iMovie, iDVD, FinalCut and other pro apps that use full quality, large size files) therefore denying use of a program that takes a quick and dirty imported disc image and burn it to disc, so that you'd have to work around some long and annoying solution to make an illegal copy (ala burning audio CDs in iTunes and reimporting them to strip the DRM) that would deter any easy mass pirating?

    More simply, I'm curious of who out there needs to burn 30 to 50 GB chunks of data, too large for a dual layer DVD to hold, and why.

    If Apple wants to sell a lot of movies online and if the movies eventually become 720p or 1080p, users will need big discs like these to backup their movies. Right now I cannot even backup my iPhoto library into one DVD because it is about 11 GB.

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  • Popeye206
    Jan 15, 04:09 PM
    ... The iPhone is a great piece of kit, but this software update is a great disappointment. Generally I know where I am, so the psuedo GPS thing is something I can't see myself using (and to be honest if I didn't know where I was, then I'm pretty damn sure that there wouldn't be any O2 coverage anyway!).

    Not to be a pain, but the phuedo GPS is like the coolest thing for people like me that travel... now I'll be able to find myself with one click. I love that feature!

    What I thought was missing was Multiple Delete for email and copy and paste. I really wished they we're in this update... the rest I'm very happy about! Besides... this is the only phone I've ever had that has any upgrades! That alone is cool! My iPhone just keeps getting better! :-)

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  • c-ker
    Dec 13, 07:32 PM
    need more than a grain of salt for this. These rumours come and go all the time. I doubt it will happen. In the summer? yes, but not now

    Maybe VZW will bundle their only current 4G device -- the Mi-FI gizmo -- with a 3G CDMA iPhone 4. Would be similar to what they are doing with the iPad.

    Before you ask if VZW is stupid enough to do that, remember that VZW ninnies nixed the iPhone way back when.

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  • jav6454
    Dec 10, 06:52 PM
    i took my asus rig apart (that i bought from best buy) and put it in the old case i had. i added 3 fans to it, and i have it running at 3.8 ghz with temps right around 70 C. it has an H50 cooler in it.

    so that's 2 rigs that will be running bigadv units now. i'll keep it at that though. my third i7 920 is running a web server, so just advmethods on it

    For an H50, that's still too high temps for an OC. My 930, under -smp 8 settings with an H50 runs at 65C and 38C idle.

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  • adversus
    Apr 8, 01:02 PM
    It's still pretty ******.

    If I walk into a Best Buy and to buy a product that's for sale, knowing full well they have it in stock but they just want to "hold it" for something, I'd be pissed.

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  • gugy
    Nov 16, 12:39 PM
    this is totally bull. Apple is in no position to stab Intel in their back at this time. Plus, Intel is being very reliable delivering on schedule the chips Apple needs. Maybe in few years if their relationship deteriorate I might consider seeing Apple moving into AMD. But it is not happening anytime soon.

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  • T-Will
    Apr 5, 04:53 PM
    Awesome. Do they have an app?

    Why yes they do. And it's FREE!!!

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  • grahamtearne
    Sep 12, 04:21 AM
    isnt the event being streamed live over to london for the us?

    if so i am quietly optimistic about us uk'ers getting a new movie store along with the us. i see no reason to stream it to the uk if the annouced products wont be released here, thats just teasing!

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  • jonharris200
    Jan 5, 04:23 PM
    If I recall correctly (prob. not) Apple use to have the keynote live on TV that people could pick up with old c-band sat. recievers. What ever happend to that?
    Yeah, and before that - like gazillions of years ago - Apple used to stream it as a pre-historic cave painting (animated, of course). 'Direct to a den near you' was the tag-line. Anyone else remember that? :D

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  • nate13
    Apr 25, 11:55 AM
    Fake. Display looks like paper / printed.

    agreed. Even though with the white one, I'd expect a 64GB available. Just makes sense; they used to have an ipod nano that only came in black in the largest size, if memory serves...

    Mar 28, 02:35 PM
    Yes what a heinous crime for Apple to want to promote their new distribution platform and encourage developers to take advantage of it.No kidding. It's like Columbia Records giving out awards to its most innovative musicians, and all the musicians from Sony Music start complaining that they aren't eligible to receive one. :confused:

    It's not anyone's "right" to be in the running for any awards. Sheesh.

    May 4, 11:03 AM
    iPads will be as great and as useful as this commercial makes them seem, when they get more features and usablity to being it closer to a desktop OS(no apple fanboys, I do not want it to BE a desktop OS)

    Nov 23, 06:50 PM
    I can confirm these are indeed the prices you will see. As for other details, none have been given. I'm sure we'll be told the details just before opening, such as what discounts can or cannot be combined by customers, etc. Expect all new signage in the stores, as well as a switch from the traditional black shirts to bright red shirts which display a product on front and a clever saying on the back. iPod, iPod Shuffle, MacBook & iMac will be the variety you'll see.

    Also of note...if you bought recently (in the last few days) and want to get in on the dicounted prices, bring your product back in and plead with the store managers...they have the authority to return and re-ring the sale with the discount sans any restocking fee. Of course, they also have the right to be jerks and say no.

    One last thing...don't plan on getting much attention from the Mac Specialist tomorrow, they'll be busy ringing out sales. Know what you want and get in line. They've been building stock for the last few weeks, but some items, such as iMacs and MacBooks are in limited quantities. (Perhaps 30 of each model in stock...maximum)

    May 4, 02:40 AM
    Really great ad. Too bad Apple never airs their ads here.

    Jul 21, 10:09 AM
    Apple is doing what they need to do to defend themselves against the smear job put out by the haters in the media and tech sites aligned against them.

    LOL. Grow up. You sound paranoid: Everyone is out to get Apple.

    The Antenna issue is real. It was bought about because enough people were having issues not due to some kind of grand conspiracy.

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