Sunday, May 22, 2011

Tunic Tops For Women

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  • Changen
    Feb 23, 03:17 PM
    nothing special but heres my setups bedroom and office

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  • islanders
    Jan 2, 08:42 AM
    Have you guys seen how small the Nano is? It is very simple interface. I could see this being incorporated into a phone and still be very simple interface, small, and useful.

    Some people would want an everything device for the subway or those times when your stuck in line, traffic or whatever.

    I think a lot of these extra features are more of an added value that don�t compromise the primary function.

    Who knows some kind of voice recognition text messaging, do everything device that as small as an iPod.

    Is it going to happen? Probably not. But this is fun part, and with Apple anything is possible.

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  • dime21
    Apr 20, 10:54 AM
    Yep - I'm not sure that I have ever even been in an automatic!
    Agreed, I've never owned an automatic car in my life. And I've owned more than a dozen cars. 4 speed, 5 speed, 6 speed, all manuals. Automatic? No thanks, not interested.

    Manuals are cheaper to buy, cheaper to maintain, more reliable, longer lasting, more powerful, more fuel efficient, and offer better driver control. Automatics are for the elderly and the handicapped.

    The only exception to this is the very newest DSG from VW/Audi, PDK from Porsche, and SMG from BMW. Mechanically, they are manual transmissions, but with computer-controlled shifers and no clutch pedal. Sounds complicated, but from the driver's perspective, it isn't. Put it in Drive, and go, no clutch pedal, no manual shifting - same driver controls as a traditional automatic. But with the power and fuel efficiency of a manual. Win-win.

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  • diamond.g
    Mar 24, 03:28 PM
    Can anyone explain the nVidia hate?

    I, for one, miss my old GeForce 8800.

    I have a Radeon HD 5770 now, and there are these little annoyances. For instance, when I run my bootcamp partition inside VMWare, the AMD driver software starts complaining. The GeForce didn't give a damn. Speaking of which, I had to install the .Net framework to install the AMD drivers. Kinda cheap. And every now and then I get a slight flicker in the screen. To be honest, I'm not sure if that's the Radeon, but I've never had it before.

    Don't get me wrong, the card is performing superbly overall. But the driver side still needs some polish. (And that's a complaint I've been hearing for ages!)
    The .Net framework is for the CCC (Catalyst Control Center). I am pretty sure you can still get the drivers and not dl the CCC.
    Why should you care about the IGP in your 2010 15" MBP? You have a discrete GPU(NVIDIA 330M) alongside it that it should automatically switch to while under heavy load.

    It isn't load based... It is API based. But you knew that...

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  • SaMaster14
    Jan 5, 03:30 PM
    Nice car man. I had a P10 G20 with JSPEC Sr20DE and that thing would run low 15s with an automatic!

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  • PharmD
    Aug 6, 09:04 PM
    Well, they weren't kidding about Tiger being "long before Longhorn". I'm excited to see what they have cooking. Thankfully I'll be at work until 6 EST so I can come home, boot up MR and read all about it.

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  • javaguy
    Dec 27, 10:09 PM
    An obvious one, but not one that I see mentioned:

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  • tangerineyum
    Jul 13, 10:38 PM
    So, how long till it comes to laptops? :D

    And on top of that, its only going to be a viewer, right? I mean have they created any Blu-ray burners, yet?

    I really don't want to buy a Macbook Pro until it has Merom, 802.11n, and blue-ray, cause I know those are all going to be standard in less than a year and I can't afford to have a crippled laptop for 3 yrs.

    Hopefully it won't be too far, I've saved enough cash.

    all going to be standard ? how long did it take for wireless g and dvd burners to become standard? :rolleyes:

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  • Silentwave
    Jul 14, 12:03 AM
    Well you know you'll get merom and leopard by that timeframe. Personally, I believe you'll get 802.11n and a blueray option as well - and with a blueray option should come HD as well.

    I'm not so sure that 802.11n will necessarily be out as soon as we think. Everything out so far claiming to be it is Pre-N and the standard is not finalized. Although Intel's Santa Rosa chipset is supposed to include it, the standard did not pass last time around and the next vote as far as I can tell is after the introduction date for the Santa Rosa chipset, which will have the 800mt/s FSB version of Merom (and the new socket). Still, i'm with you on that hope. I would love to see Blu-Ray in my macs. Better still if we could get both BR and HD-DVD as BTO in the towers and pick one for the MBPs.

    Of course I am really hoping apple gets behind new technologies as fast as they have in the past, particularly in storage formats and interfaces. (BR, HD-DVD, and other future formats that are emerging that may supplant those both quickly for portable discs, SAS/Sata3g/sataII for HD interfaces.

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  • notjustjay
    Nov 24, 04:10 PM

    ... along with a bag of walnuts, carrots and some eggs.

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  • dmw007
    Nov 15, 08:42 AM
    Perhaps this would allow me to play a large map on Civ4 without the terrible huge long pauses...

    Maybe, although the lag in Civ IV may have more to do with the program itself, rather than the hardware (depending on what type of Mac you are using). :)

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  • econgeek
    Apr 12, 08:53 PM
    And in the process threw 50 years of video editing out the window.

    50 years ago there were no computers. If you want to go back to the moviola, nobody is stopping you. You seem to think that sticking with outdated metaphors is inherently somehow better.

    Great if you've never edited before, but if you want to edit, iMovie isn't an option. If you want to slap together a super quick video, it's almost faster to cut and paste clips in a QT7 window then use iMovie now.

    You may have never used iMovie but it is foolish to assume that none of us have. That idea that you can't edit in iMovie is nonsense, and absurd on the face of it.

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  • Sydde
    Mar 20, 05:50 PM
    There actually is a fair correlation here with homeopathy. Both involve "cures". Homeopathy claims that their process will (or might) treat or cure a specific ailment that is troubling you. This Exodus thing misrepresents a natural condition as a problem that requires curing. Both of these "therapies" require co�peration on the part of the victim.

    Then, of course, is the fundamental problem with the app store itself. Apple's unbridled pursuit of maximum profit to the exclusion of any sort of side-loading option (short of jailbreaking) makes this an issue in the first place. If there were app ghettos and app alleys, this issue would not come up.

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  • know-it-all5
    Jan 3, 04:34 PM

    I have had a look at Macrumor's buyers guide. Except for the MacBook that is even very new, everything else is apparently only half way through its life cycle. So it would really be surprising if something got updated. Is this even more of a reason to expect someting REALLY NEW??:eek:

    i agree... we should stop looking at current products and start thinking of possible things that are new. True video ipod, iTV, and even the iphone, though i doubt apple is stupid enough to enter the cellphone market.

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  • MagnusVonMagnum
    Nov 5, 04:34 PM
    Do you have a clue what you're talking about? It's pretty well-known now that Consumer Reports framed the Suzuki Samurai to sell magazines and to tear down a Japanese company (and SUVs in general).

    LOL. Yeah, sure they did. I suppose we didn't actually go to the moon either, eh? :p

    You don't watch Fox "News", per chance do you? Or perhaps Mr. Limbaugh is your source of knowledge of the world? :D

    I can tell you, I know a lot about a lot of things, and the things I know about, when I read Consumer Reports I am AMAZED at the sheer incompetence of their testing. At best, it's severely flawed, hearsay, and/or simply meaningless. At worst, it's severely biased.

    Yes, I can tell from you post that you know a LOT about all kinds of things. :rolleyes:

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  • gnasher729
    Aug 29, 04:28 PM
    you can be certain that the price-difference is there. since merom and yonah are 1:1 compatible, why would anyone use yonah istead of merom? but since the two will be sold side-by-side, yonah obviously has some benefits that merom does not have. and that benefit is most likely price.

    Who says Intel will keep selling Yonahs for long time once Merom comes out?

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  • aibo82
    May 2, 07:54 PM
    Yes but are they bringing:

    Ios to the mac

    Mac to the ios

    The wrong way around is going to kill power users and the openeness thats left of the mac os operating system do we really want a closed off mac os/ios hybrid?

    Mac os should be advancing not getting waterd down with simple user toys! We are going to be paying more for less!

    iPad Pro?
    Macbook dead!

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  • hansolo669
    Feb 20, 10:28 PM
    It is time to drink the intel Kool-aid my friend

    now not to start a ppc vs intel flame war. but if it serves his purposes just fine why would he switch? for example my MDD works amazingly well and if it had a better graphics card it would be my main machine; why? because when you run software that is optimized for ppc (and most pro apps still are) they are blazing fast. as far as i can recall i could run fcp at a speed that rivaled my 13 mbp (before its gfx card died). anyway don't take this personally :P just pointing out a fact.

    (if this starts a flame war i will seriously smack myself XD :p)

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  • mozmac
    Jul 18, 02:40 PM
    I have mixed feelings about this. The only way I see this really becoming big is if Apple releases a Mac Mini media center. By so doing, Apple will catch a huge market of people who say, "What do you want to watch tonight?" How many times have you been in this situation. You've looked at all your movies, which you've seen at least three times each, and decide that you don't have anything you want to watch. Would if, from your remote, you had a whole movie store IN YOUR HOME? That's right. Who needs to go to Blockbuster or wait for NetFlix. Just point, click, and...hello, movie. You get to keep it for a few days.

    This will only work, though, if it is that easy. If people have to figure out their own way to get it to the TV, they will simply go get the DVD from Blockbuster, because the player is already hooked up to the TV. If Apple wants to make it in the movie business, they need to build something that is meant to hook up to the TV right OUT OF THE BOX.

    I'm excited to see it!

    Mar 31, 12:16 AM
    Can you only get one code per dev account? What if I want to install on multiple computers?

    The thing that downloads from the App Store is the installer. Once you have it on one computer, you just copy it to another.

    Apr 2, 11:00 PM
    In Safari, you can now change the width of a page by moving the cursor to the scrollbar and you see the little "adjust width" icon. Drag that and the width of the page decreases/increases toward the center.

    Apr 21, 10:58 PM
    This is what I think about this:

    Apr 19, 12:47 PM
    I didn't have the money, but I bought it anyways.

    Spoken like a true American.

    Mar 28, 10:32 AM
    Here is a local thread:

    :apple:Nice, about time. I am interested is seeing how it turns out.

    Maybe I'm behind with the times, but I have no idea what OpenCL is. Apple has been known for supporting their standards no matter what sometimes.

    OpenCL is the open version of GPGPU (if that helps any). It is ran by Khronos, just like OpenGL. What OpenCL would allow you to do is offload computations to any compatible device (in the is case we are focusing on GPUs) with CPU fall back (just like OGL). It is done because in some cases the GPU is faster than the CPU is (like say Folding@HOME, or encoding video).

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