Sunday, May 22, 2011

The Daughters Of Liberty Pictures

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  • Krafty
    Nov 26, 12:14 PM
    For my Mac Mini: Seagate Momentus 7200.4 ST9500420AS 500GB 7200 RPM 16MB Cache 2.5" SATA 3.0Gb/s Internal Notebook Hard Drive -Bare Drive

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  • Mal
    Mar 24, 01:02 PM
    Would definitely be great if they would just support off-the-shelf graphics cards. I'd be a little surprised, but I've given up saying that Apple will or won't do something just because of their prior decisions.


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  • Cougarcat
    Mar 31, 10:02 AM
    I'm pretty sure I'm the only one that really likes the look of the new ical

    I like it. Much better than Address Book's UI, which I don't care for.

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  • Chef Medeski
    Jul 14, 10:13 AM
    ur goin' to be waitin' a while... just get one now.
    I have a top spec Powerbook 12". It was my first mac and it will hold me over. I want a Intel Mac just for Parallels and stuff, so I'm not stuck in college going to the lab for that one application. Yet, I'm not about to put down $2,000 for a computer, whose only new technology is a Intel chip that is about to be replaced and a Gigabit ethernet (its nice but....). I mean it doesn't even ahve FW800 anymore.

    You see if I'm going to buy a very expensive laptop, I want it to last. When I bought this PB, it wasn't at the edge, I mean most of the technology had been around awhile, but I know there wasn't new coming out for years, not the case this time around. And I have the time to wait... I mean this computer is still under warranty, works fine, and does all my tasks at I speed I enjoy.

    The Daughters Of Liberty Pictures. %IMG_DESC_5%
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  • *LTD*
    Mar 25, 07:54 PM
    So true.. I love all the bedroom coding and indie published stuff on iOS but to the big names in the industry iOS still just seems like a curiosity.. The prolonged trying to figure it all out / experimental phase is getting a little frustrating, though totally understandable. I wonder how long it'll be before we start getting more in the way of original content from the big IP holders. Original content that serves as a full game rather than a tech demo or proof of concept. They really should be savvy to the limitations of the devices by now.

    There are very good, high-quality full games on the App Store. Are you under the impression that the "big titles" are all previews and proofs-of-concept?

    We're moving way past the experimental phase. You need to sample some of the heavier-hitting titles.

    The Daughters Of Liberty Pictures. %IMG_DESC_6%
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  • lord_flash
    Jul 14, 05:23 AM
    Sony has assumed way too much control with Blueray, so if I'd have to pick either format I'd go with HD-DVD. Lets not forget Microsoft is backing HD-DVD on the X-Box 360. Last week when I was at the game store, they said the add-on drive would be coming soon for around $100. Thats alot less than a blueray player.

    And how often have consoled that come in two parts been successful? Sega MegaCD, anyone (Genesis CD)? Developers won't be able to use the HD-DVD drive because they reduce their potential market, so it's just a player. Why not buy a decent stand alone (as soon as there are any - the Toshiba was slated in reviews).

    Like I said, HD-DVD and Blueray both suck in my opinion, too many DRM controls, too expensive, not enough difference really over DVD for most people....

    That's content owners for you - they'll always demand that. It doesn't mean you can't burn your own disc without rights management - backing up photos etc to 50Gb wouldn't be too bad. A lot easier than changing DVDs 6-12 times.

    Given the drives are out there and Apple are supporting the format, there is no reason not to make the option available. In fact given Apple's customer base outside the rabid geek community, Blu-ray creation capabilities would seem the way to go (Blu-Ray Studio Pro?). At �650/$1000 it isn't even that high a percentage of the overall price of a higher spec machine. Macs aren't cheap.

    The Daughters Of Liberty Pictures. %IMG_DESC_7%
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  • FearNo1
    Apr 24, 09:28 AM
    Aye, the usual overly dramatic reaction Brother Esau, like in the days you sold your birthright for a mere morsel of meat and still holds me responsible to this day...

    Brother Jacob

    Judging from the the overwhelming majority of responses in regards to personal privacy violation these days, coming from the younger generations in regards to issues of this nature and typical replies such as.... Don't Care, I'm not doing anything wrong so I'm fine with that, Let them look, They are not violating you're rights, you have a Tinfoil Hat on! etc , etc, etc,

    I would have to say that the Government is doing a fine job indoctrinating and spoon feeding everyone through mass media to the extent that we are actually breeding complacent spineless cowards that offer no resistance and have no independent thought process of their own!

    In short...You are all good little sheep!

    Why is it that no one offers any resistance these days? The problem and all of the problems this country currently faces is due to the fact that We The People no longer govern this country and protect our constitution & Bill Of Rights!

    We hire and empower our elected officials to represent our voice and our best interest as a society yet these people take what they want, treat us the way they want, steal from us, lie to us, deceive us & left to their devices they will kill us all in the name of greed. And we just bend over and take it and thank them for it!

    I Mean WTF already people? When is everybody going to learn that if everybody would just do their little part in society by being involved on the most very mundane level, we as a people and society would not be plagued with all of these current crisis that we are currently facing in this country!

    STRENGTH IN NUMBERS! If you are not part of the solution, then you are part of the problem! It's that simple!

    Now c'mon Kids call me crazy and say I am wearing a Tin Foil Hat. Just Remember It will be my Generation that brings the fight, not yours!

    The Daughters Of Liberty Pictures. %IMG_DESC_8%
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  • DJMastaWes
    Nov 26, 01:47 PM
    Clarks Desert Boots in Navy (
    Red Wings 8" Moc Toe (
    MS&Co Selvedge Denim iPhone Sleeve (
    Rugby Ralph Lauren Navy Duffle Coat (
    Tanner Goods Lanyard in Saddle Tan ( (to be ordered later today)

    The Daughters Of Liberty Pictures. %IMG_DESC_9%
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  • macthetiger85
    Apr 26, 04:51 PM
    I think you are missing the point:

    "What are some other reasons for refusing registration?

    Registration may be refused if the mark is:

    � Descriptive for the goods/services;
    � A geographic term;
    � A surname;
    � Ornamental as applied to the goods"


    App Store is descriptive of what it does. In other words, it sells apps or applications. Therefore, it cannot be trademarked. Apple can use it if they want, but so can anyone else doing the same thing.

    This is pretty much saying that Microsoft is going to trademark Operating System. Both Microsoft and Apple make operating systems. What Windows is is a type of operating system. Windows does not describe the product.


    Shop that sells windows cannot trademark "Window Seller" because it describes precisely what the shop does. It is generic + descriptive = no trademark.

    so a geographic term like, o, let's say, Amazon would fall within that same rule right?

    The Daughters Of Liberty Pictures. %IMG_DESC_10%
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  • Maldini
    Jan 12, 05:09 PM

    I'm sure it is something very mundane, like streaming movie rentals via iTunes.
    I dont think they have all these huge banners for iTunes streaming, they probably mean there is something coming in 2008

    The Daughters Of Liberty Pictures. %IMG_DESC_11%
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  • Biff...
    Feb 21, 04:11 PM
    Gotta stop looking at this thread, its giving me to many ideas that will cost me dearly. :eek:

    The Daughters Of Liberty Pictures. %IMG_DESC_12%
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  • bluewire
    Sep 1, 01:56 PM
    Most of the posts in this thread are about the 23" screen. Yes, I think it will happen to allow the imac to play 1080i/1080p HD.

    But, how about the processors? Apple needs to have a Core 2 (Conroe not Merom) inside the imac. The imac is not a conventionally size desktop (not as much room inside as a tower) but Apple can not continue to use a laptop processor in the imac. If they do, then how will the Conroe be used in Apple's line up? In a Mac tower? I don't think so. Surely, a 23" iMac could house the Conroe suitably?

    So I would say that the 23" iMac would kill 2 birds - Conroe and HD for the home user. :)

    Merom is 64 bit enabled, IIRC

    The Daughters Of Liberty Pictures. %IMG_DESC_13%
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  • lordonuthin
    Dec 23, 06:03 PM
    New work units are on the way (

    Just have to wait to see what the ppd will be.

    The Daughters Of Liberty Pictures. %IMG_DESC_14%
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  • QCassidy352
    Jan 10, 10:03 PM
    bah, way out of date comment, didn't realize how old this thread is. mod delete please. :o

    The Daughters Of Liberty Pictures. %IMG_DESC_15%
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  • fr4c
    Jan 26, 01:43 PM
    Got it a few weeks ago for my father as his DD since he just moved back to the states. Honda Accord EX 5-Speed.

    The Daughters Of Liberty Pictures. %IMG_DESC_16%
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  • screensaver400
    Apr 2, 10:35 PM
    The book being read in iBooks is Kook: What Surfing Taught Me About Love, Life, and Catching the Perfect Wave, by Peter Heller.

    The Daughters Of Liberty Pictures. %IMG_DESC_17%
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  • Cheffy Dave
    Jun 24, 01:49 AM
    You're that ignorant that you think the only benefit of an open platform is pornography?

    read the original post? NO! DO I Think that is the only benefit? NO!

    The Daughters Of Liberty Pictures. %IMG_DESC_18%
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  • cderalow
    Jan 23, 08:43 AM
    Right, Recaro makes race and sports car buckets. I doubt they make a single baby seat. They are probably licensing their name to it.

    actually, they make the seats themselves.

    The Daughters Of Liberty Pictures. %IMG_DESC_19%
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  • SpookTheHamster
    Jan 4, 06:04 PM
    Some pretty terrible photos of mine, all taken with my iPhone.

    Thankfully I missed the worst of the snow, but it wasn't too bad in it.

    Apr 21, 07:15 PM
    has anyone actually used the app in question? The data is so wildly inaccurate as to make it pointless. Even recompiling it with a 1000 times more accuracy has me placed in locations I haven't been to since I go an iPhone. So the question is not one of data, per se, but data accuracy: law enforcement have known about this for ages. If my iPhone says I was near a scene of crime, but I disagree, I bet I know which side the police would go with. That is the trouble with this data.

    How did you do this? I'd like to map our recent holiday to France and all the tiny little towns we passed through but who's names I didn't document.

    Nov 29, 09:20 PM
    I'll speak loud and clear:


    iTunes Store can't now nor will it likely ever replace Dish Network for me. Just let me record my shows either directly with iTV or via something connected to it. I hope when this is released, HD DVD and Blu-ray make there way into Macs.

    I am with you but I believe Apple will offer that trough Elgato with Front Row and some sort of DVR functionality via EyeTV. That way Apple's offers DVR without compromising themselves with the whole DRM thing and pissing off the networks.
    Mark my words. Plus, I think the Elgato's founder is on Apple's board of directors.

    Jun 23, 11:42 AM
    "I don't want fingerprints on my screen!".... Well then don't run any apps that are touch enabled. Run any and all of your keyboard/mouse apps you want to all day long.

    If it were only that easy. The real fear is that developers will mess up good apps by making touch necessary because they think that's what people want.

    And... Have you ever been to a bar and seen those coin operated touch screen card game thingies? I worked at a bar for many years and I've seen people play them for hours at a time. It's not as bad as everyone fears.

    Play and work are not the same.

    I would like very much to see a mix of traditional OS X and iOS touch capabilities. I see kids software selling like mad. I've been working on a custom page layout app for a classifieds type of paper. Some touch for Drag-N-Drop operations in parts of it would be a welcome addition.

    That's great. Apple would become the dumbed-down childrens computer company.

    Oct 23, 08:25 AM
    does anyone know what time will the store be down when there is new product out? :)

    Oct 23, 08:50 AM
    This news just in....

    "My infant son began to cry when I placed the MacBook Pro in my shopping cart this morning, this is a clear indication that the MBP could be updated as soon as this week. More news to follow..."

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