Sunday, May 22, 2011

Milly Molly Mandy Song

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  • FFTT
    Nov 18, 08:56 PM
    I think the number or cores will finally level off for a while once 8 core machines
    become mainstream.

    The next goal will be production refinements like 45 nm production for greater energy efficiency.

    Software developers will need to re-train or hire new software engineers who know how to take advantage of multi-core architecture.

    The big question for those who must have the newest, most powerful system will be how much RAM they'll need to take advantage of the new architecture.

    There are quite a few audio/video production professionals wondering how all this
    will help to improve their workflow capabilties.

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  • aafuss1
    Aug 29, 09:07 PM
    Huh? Why would a BR drive make any more heat than a 12x or 24x DVD drive? Hint: it won't. It's a disc that is the same size and weight and spinning at the same speeds... the only change is the wavelength of the laser reading the disc.

    Decoding the data will take some juice, which will make some heat, but no more than any other CPU intensive task.

    The tray load drives I've seen internal photos of have fans in the drive itself.

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  • 840quadra
    Nov 28, 02:35 PM
    I don't think I'd hold up Sony as an example of how to innovate and market -- they lost their focus decades ago. Aside from the walkman, let's see what products has Sony pushed in the last 30 years...

    Memory Stick

    Now we sit back and see if the PS3 and Blu-Ray follow the recent trend. If we're comparing Microsoft to Sony that's what you have to look forward to.

    Sorry to have to say this, but the Playstation and PS2 (early years) were a great success.

    The PS3 was late, but it is still too early ( like the Zune) to discount it as a good device or threat.

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  • Popeye206
    May 2, 05:37 PM
    So you're saying we should go back to Mac OS Classic cooperative multi-tasking ?

    Hello ?

    The 80s called, they want their computing paradigms back. Cooperative multi-tasking makes sense on ressource limited architectures. Even the iPhone/iPad like devices are far from "ressource limited". We had pre-emptive multi-tasking on much less capable devices (think 386s with 8 MB of RAM).

    LOL! Yeah... and I remember crashing faster than you click your mouse on those systems. Windows 3.0 and 3.1 were a mess. But of course... most things were back then. how far we've come.

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  • kjjnk
    Apr 12, 09:17 PM
    Wow, it looks absolutely stunning.

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  • roach
    Nov 30, 03:06 AM
    Well, then you don't understand Apple's magic. That's precisely where
    they are good at: make complicated things simple.
    It's like a Sony TV remote control compared to others : when you use it, you find everything else too much complicated...

    How do you record channel 105 from 5:30PM to 6:30PM on Friday? Damn...that would take forever with 4 buttons.

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  • jrv3034
    Jul 18, 08:48 AM
    For me, rental is good. I don't want to own a sub-par-quality movie. I'll download it and watch it, and if I want to keep it then I'll buy the DVD.

    The downloads should be no more than $1.99 to keep me from walking to Blockbuster. Any higher, and it's just not a good enough deal, what with the low quality, etc.

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  • lordonuthin
    Apr 1, 06:43 PM
    sorry to hear about the errors. i hope everything gets worked out. you're putting out the points again! love to see that!

    No kernel panics here, but I noticed some a3 core units being send back early, usually in the first 10%, it started before 10.6.3

    Ok, I think the panics were caused by something I did, not the update, that is what I get for making too many changes at once, I'll have to test the configurations to see what caused them. All is well at the moment.

    yeah, that's not a bad idea to sell your current mac pro to help pay for the newer one. i hope you get the 12 core if they release one (and they better)Definitely the 12 core ;)

    I moved the 2 GPU machines to the basement where it is much cooler (I know the dust and spiders might kill them, but... hopefully no snakes...) and it is almost quiet upstairs now! The mac pro is soooo quiet! No other Mac that I remember having has been so quiet. I had to run the KVM and network cables between an air duct and the floor, it's kinda goofy but better than a new hole in the floor. Oh, and I accidentally created a network loop, not a good thing as it took me a while to fix. Downtime was only about 2 1/2 hrs, should have been less but I wasn't very well prepared; it was getting way too hot upstairs already.

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  • twoodcc
    Nov 4, 05:13 PM
    congrats to rwh202 for getting 2 million points!

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  • kntgsp
    Sep 14, 11:03 AM
    Want to know an issue that actually DOES bother me about iOS devices? No? Well I'm bored so tough.

    I still want to know why I can't plug an iPhone into any computer and use it as a mass storage device for quick transfer of large files?

    Android can do this, Symbian can do this, it is not difficult. The thing comes with 32GB of space and I can't dedicate even 1GB of that to a mass storage mount? Really? It's one of the biggest business uses I have for the device. I shouldn't have to carry around a USB stick anymore. Hell with Symbian3 you can even plug a USB stick/drive DIRECTLY INTO the Symbian3 phone itself to move files.

    Screw you Steve. Seriously, screw you. That is one of the biggest reasons I will continue to jailbreak. That and a complete lack of quick access to my Wifi/Bluetooth/GPS/3G radio controls.

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  • andiwm2003
    Jul 14, 06:20 AM
    i hope blu-ray stays optional. a superdrive is good enough for me. blu ray at the current time is a waste of money for me.

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  • Dynamyk
    Feb 22, 09:20 AM

    Where can I get that date time thingy for my iPad!

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  • ipadder
    Oct 24, 01:08 PM
    hello everyone..i have bought a new ipod touch and i want a case to cover it and to provide protection from scratches.please can anyone suggest me.

    How much do you want to spend?

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  • JoshH
    Aug 7, 07:30 AM
    For the sake of those who want to remain surprised until we see the video, there should be a page on MacRumors that says "will post link when video available" - so I can just check that page for the video to be uploaded later in the day. I plan to completely avoid all news until I see the video.

    dpaanlka, you are stronger than I. ;)

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  • Outrun1986
    Oct 12, 04:38 PM
    Does anyone know where I can get a maroon case?

    I don't want a silicon or a hard case, so it would have to be something else, preferably a case like the belkin grip vue, which seems to be the best case out there so far.

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  • daneoni
    Aug 7, 03:27 AM
    Anyone got any ideas of when the keynote starts in the good ol UK?, i'm guessing 6pm ish?

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  • Machead III
    Sep 7, 10:53 AM
    Yes, everything should be given to everyone, no one has to work for it.

    A good idea?! What, work hard so you can give it away to someone else who's to lazy to work hard? Wont give anything us shortterm for longterm returns?

    It makes no sense, period.

    Why do you think the roles of Welfare in the US are so huge? It's overflowing with the lazy ones who wont get off thier a###s therefore taking away from the the people who truly need that welfare.

    I'm not sure whether to be offended by this grotesque post, or should just laugh at how utterly uneducated some people are when it comes to history and political ideology o.O

    Anyway, this is probably not the best place for the communism argument, which invariably ends up with everyone agreeing it's a good theory, but half of the forum claiming "it won't work because of human nature" etc., at which point the debate cannot continue.

    So back to Macs and ****?

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  • AvSRoCkCO1067
    Jul 19, 05:00 PM
    The great numbers shown today just prove that this is the perfect moment to bury MS once and for all in the OS war...OS X is by far the best system, and Longsight is still more than 6 months away...Microsoft is doomed.

    Aren't there still more people using Windows Me/Windows 98/Windows 95 than all Mac OS users...??? People don't upgrade quickly - it would be dozens of years before Apple could even have, say, a 25% marketshare.

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  • likemyorbs
    Mar 19, 09:45 AM
    Must we get involved in this? Can't France do something for once by themselves, or any other european nations for that matter? When was the last time they even fired a weapon? You know, the taliban were once known as freedom fighters too. I'm so sick of these countries, let them self destruct, maybe some day they will choose to civilize themselves. Please, no more US to the rescue, and then they all wonder why many Americans have a feeling of exceptionalism. :rolleyes:

    Mar 22, 01:00 PM
    I don't believe any was born gay, that's my opinion. I believe you make the choice in your life, just like you make the choice on what career you want and college you desire to go to. I have friends that were once married (guy/girl) and then divorced because they liked their sex better. So now they are openly gay and happy.

    The only choice these friends of yours made was to try and fit in with straight culture.

    They were always gay. They chose to be straight… and that never works out.
    I have back and forth e-mails with them stating they consider it a choice. One of my friends is a writer for Lesbians and spoke in front of congress on this issue 2 years ago. I was with her and she even stated that it was a choice to become a lesbian and it's now America's choice to accept it for all for choose this path.
    Colour me sceptic.
    Back and forth with emails confessing they chose to be gay? Oh come on.

    FYI, I made a choice about my career… tonight's dinner, my brand of underwear… I did not choose to be gay. No more than you made a choice to be (I assume) straight. Or… did you… which brings me back to your gay/straight switching friends. Perhaps time to do some more emailing? Talk things over with them? No need to be so deep in that dark closet.

    Apr 20, 07:32 AM
    I'm sure it's been done to death, but I spent some time actually thinking about realistic-ish speculations of what the new line could look like. I think they're going to get rid of one SKU ( the step up 27" without the quad i7), because it's kind of redundant, and for the $100 price difference, I can't imagine anyone NOT spending the extra modey to get the quad core). The only spec that is more of a wishful thinking piece is the inclusion of the HD6800M 1GB card in the 27" quad i7. THAT would be a beast!

    Common Upgrades

    1. Thunderbolt port
    2. HDMI out
    3. Sandybridge

    Now, here's the model breakdown:

    21.5" (1920x1080) display
    2.8 GHz i5 processor
    4 GB RAM
    500 GB HD
    ATI Radeon HD 4870 (256MB)
    HDMI out

    21.5" (1920x1080) display
    3.2 GHz i5 processor
    8 GB RAM
    1 TB HD
    ATI Radeon HD 4870 (256MB)
    HDMI out

    27" (2560x1440) display
    3.2 GHz i5 processor
    4 GB RAM
    1 TB HD
    ATI Radeon HD 5870 (512MB)
    HDMI out

    27" (2560x1440) display
    3.5 GHz quad i7 processor
    8 GB RAM
    2 TB HD
    ATI Radeon HD 6970 (1 GB)
    HDMI out

    Jul 18, 10:34 AM
    iTunes is the best place to release your movie via the internet if you want it to be seen. FrontRow I have found works great for streaming movie trailers and the quality is pretty good too (though not DVD quality but much better than anything iPod video encoded).

    Anyway if implemented beyond just studio movies this could be a major milestone for independent filmmaking.

    Jul 19, 03:40 PM (

    Apple posted their ( 3rd Quarter 2006 financial results today.

    Apple posted revenue of $4.37 billion and a net quarterly profit of $472 million or $.54 per diluted share. For reference, the year-ago quarter brought in $3.53 billion in revenue, net profit of $320 million or $.37 per diluted share.

    Apple shipped 1,327,000 Macintosh computers and 8,111,000 iPods during this quarter which represents a 12% growth in Macs and 32% growth in iPods year-over-year.

    - 75% of Macs sold during the quarter used Intel processors.
    - 2nd highest quarterly sales and earnings in Apple's history
    - International sales accounted for 39 percent of the quarter’s revenue.
    - iPod continued to earn a US market share of over 75 percent
    - Desktops: 529,000, down 14% from previous quarter
    - Portables: 798,000, up 60% from previous quarter
    - iPods: 8,526,000

    Live streaming of the results conference call will be broadcast at 5pm EST (


    - Mac: 55% of revenue. Increased sales to 1.327 million.
    -- Pleased with Intel transition. "Solidly" on track to update Xserve and PowerMac by end of this year.
    -- Over 2900 Universal Applications.
    -- Most "critical" applications will be converted by September
    -- MacBook very well received
    -- Happy with the Mac ad campaign, feel that it is contributing to Apple's momentum
    - iPod
    -- NPD: 75% of market share US (MP3)
    -- Other music product revenue up 90% year over year
    -- Strong sales of iTunes and iPod accesories
    -- iTunes Music Store - 85% marketshare.
    -- Enthusiastic about upcoming iTunes/iPod products in the pipeline
    - Retail
    -- 146 stores open during quarter.
    -- 50% of buyers are new to Mac.
    - Outlook:
    -- "Very excited about and confident in the products in our pipeline."


    Q: How important is it to hit the holiday season. and how innovative can innovative be [w/ respect to iPods]?
    A: We don't talk about unannounced products, but "very confident" in products in our pipeline.

    Q: Markets: Consumer, Education, Pro
    A: The MacBook was in high demand in both consumer and education. Pro market has been slow - thought to be due to wait in PowerMac with Intel and some Universal apps. Education market did very well. Higher edu grew 31% year to year. Very well poised in going into school season.

    Q: Assuming any contribution from Leopard for the September [next] quarter?
    A: We've not announced the ship date for Leopard, but will show the new features at WWDC.

    Q: Does the fact that Intel rolls our processors more quickly and drops prices affect you? Will you be adjusting prices more frequently or same as you have been with new product releases?
    A: We're very pleased to be working with Intel. A great partner. They have the best processor by far in our current and upcoming products. Pleased with the new products, but as you know we don't discuss our unannounced products. don't want to comment on how we'll be changing our pricing.

    Q: Will there be any surprises at WWDC?
    A: [Laughter, then Openheimer:] Well, you will have to come and attend.

    Digg This (!_2nd_Best_In_Company_History!)

    Sep 1, 04:00 PM
    "Thin is in". I like that slogan.

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