Sunday, May 22, 2011

Monty Python Holy Grail

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  • California
    Aug 26, 03:21 AM
    I tell you, I've had nothing but trouble with Apple. I'm young, I'm a medical student (so relatively affluent), and I'm a "switcher." I'm their target audience! That switching part though, that was a mistake on my part. Mac OS X is beautiful software, I love it. Unfortunately I've had a lot of problems with the hardware. These days it's enough I wish I still had my IBM/Lenovo laptop--that never gave me problems.

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  • Erasmus
    Aug 26, 06:45 PM
    I vote Apple release a modified version of the Core 2 Duo Macbook Pro.

    The only difference would be the words "Powerbook G5" under its screen, a change of the label on the box to "Dual 2.33 G5" and software that changes the actual name of the processor in System Processor to "IBM PowerPC G5 Dual 2.33".

    This would make the IBM fanboys very happy, as they would think they had a G5 Powerbook, and therefore the wishes for "G5 Powerbooks next Tuesday" would hopefully stop.

    Apple could sell them for five times the cost of a regular Macbook Pro, and get a healthy 20 grand profit off each sale for almost no effort on their part.

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  • ValSalva
    Apr 6, 11:10 AM
    I still don't think this means new MacBook Airs in June. Can anyone really see Apple releasing new hardware before Lion is released?

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  • daneoni
    Sep 19, 09:29 AM
    why does anyone need to justify to you why they want 64-bit computing?

    I was just gonna say that. All you people trying to tell people want they need and dont need are just wasting your time. At the end of the day people are gonna buy what they want regardless of what you preach to them.

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  • Halebopp
    Apr 25, 03:23 PM
    good luck with the lawsuit, sounds like a gigantic waste of time, money and resources.....pathetic

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  • Machead III
    Sep 19, 07:14 AM
    kan I hav Mormon MacBook plz?!

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  • HBOC
    Apr 7, 10:24 PM
    haha. Now they will have to upsell more BS to make up for this loss. I can see them advertising to connect your PS3 or XBOX 360 to your TV/monitor and hook up an ethernet cable for $149 again... :rolleyes:

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  • aafuss1
    Aug 5, 11:40 PM
    I agree. In fact, I was going to post the same thing. I was all set to be disappointed by the keynote until I read a new Forbes article on the topic. They are expecting some pretty amazing things; things that will divert media attention away from Apple's embarrassing financial scandal.


    P.S. How about seamless MSN/Yahoo! Messenger support in iChat?\


    That would be good-as Microsoft and Yahoo have made the messegner software work with each other-Apple could partner with Yahoo for official protocol support in iChat in Leopard

    Monty Python Holy Grail. %IMG_DESC_9%
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  • mcrain
    Mar 17, 02:03 PM
    OK, I confess, "shut down" was a slight exaggeration.

    Actually, not at all.

    NAPOLITANO: Would it be good fiscally and philosophically if the government did shut down for a few weeks and the American people could see life would go on without the federal government for a little while?

    PAUL: I don’t think it would hurt one bit. If an individual can’t pay their rent on time, they might ask their landholder to say “look, I’ll be there next week.” They adjust. The owner and the renter adjust. This is the way the government should adjust. If they can’t pay their bills, wait. But they are afraid the world would panic and the world would come to an end. But it would be an admission that we’re in big trouble. But we are in big trouble. But to deny it and to continue to spend and continue to inflate and waiting for the bond bubble to burst, that doesn’t make sense to me.

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  • Nuck81
    Aug 13, 12:21 AM
    It's refreshing that I don't have to go to gamespot forums to see a pointless immature fanboy pissing match :rolleyes:

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  • fivepoint
    Apr 27, 03:04 PM
    Oh boy. Fivepoint, you wouldn't have happened to visit any such site, now would you?

    As stated earlier, which you conveniently ignored, I found the article on the Drudge Report. Am I not allowed to read the Drudge Report? Should I keep it exclusively to HuffPo in the future? I read them both, but you tell me how I should do it.

    So typical, focus on the messenger and not on the message. Your guys posts are so littered with red herrings and strawmen its almost beyond imagination.

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  • Hellhammer
    Apr 9, 11:04 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    But in the case of the Sb quad core the figure seems to be in excess of 50%, not 20%

    CPU isnt the only component drawing power. AMD 6750M has higher TDP compared to 330M as well

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  • dethmaShine
    Apr 20, 07:50 AM
    Don't let a few cherry picked pictures trick you, most Galaxy models don't look at all like an iPhone :

    This one can go either way. Of course the Apple biased media are cherry picking their pictures. I'd doubt you'd have a hard time telling both devices apart in the real world with both in front of you.

    Especially consdiring the Samsung doesn't use the icon grid on its homescreen at all, contrary to what the pictures are trying to show.

    Why are you always anti-apple in every other thread?

    Don't you yourself see any similarities b/w SG phones and the iPhone?
    The only difference to me is the wallpaper and dull icons. They look almost the same.

    Monty Python Holy Grail. %IMG_DESC_14%
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  • California
    Aug 26, 03:21 AM
    I tell you, I've had nothing but trouble with Apple. I'm young, I'm a medical student (so relatively affluent), and I'm a "switcher." I'm their target audience! That switching part though, that was a mistake on my part. Mac OS X is beautiful software, I love it. Unfortunately I've had a lot of problems with the hardware. These days it's enough I wish I still had my IBM/Lenovo laptop--that never gave me problems.

    Monty Python Holy Grail. %IMG_DESC_15%
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  • ZoomZoomZoom
    Aug 8, 02:13 AM
    Time Machine looks to be one of those things you never use, but then one day you'll need to use it and you'll be really glad it's here. I don't like the stars and stuff in the background, though. So tacky.

    I'm really interested about Spaces. I constantly have loads of windows/applications running around, and having something to manage it all would be awesome.

    The new iChat features look very promising. Can't really say the same for Mail/Dashboard/iCal/Spotlight, though - not too impressed with those. Whatever is top secret had better blow all of this stuff out of the water, or else I wouldn't call Leopard "Vista 2.0".

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  • fluidinclusion
    Aug 27, 06:58 PM
    hmmm... the funny part is that it's been done to death.* that's the bit.* i guess you don't see it as funny.* ever heard of a reoccuring joke with a little aphormism mixed in?

    All your Powerbook G5's are belong to us

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  • G4er?
    Apr 25, 01:41 PM
    But the government allows automakers to install black boxes in your car. In which the data could potentially be used against you.

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  • SiliconAddict
    Aug 6, 11:36 PM
    I'm not a long time apple user, and don't know about the classic to OS X transition, but i do know that 2 service packs and bug fixes every month did nothing to XP, hence my move to OS X. So, ok i assumed that this will be the same case with vista, but considering the fact that (i think) concept viruses have already been written, and that microsoft really are up against the clock; i think that for at least the first year vista will be hellish.
    After that, ok, maybe things will change, but it seems to me that this isn't the biggest upgrade ever (i'm an end user, and mainly use PC's for web-browsing and school work, so i haven't seen any major good things in vista) and microsoft have struggled to get it out. (sorry kinda off topic)

    I've been using and supporting every version of Windows since 2.0 including Windows NT and 2003 server and while the casual user may not have noticed much difference between XP Pro, XP Pro SP1, and XP Pro SP2 but as someone who manages desktop/laptop images for corp distribution I can tell you right now there has been massive changes in the last 5 years but nothing that is visible from the surface either. Its the same as OS X. While you might not see it more and more of the graphics subsystem has been shifted from the CPU to the GPU with something like 99% of it on the GPU in Tiger.

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  • THX1139
    Apr 10, 08:28 PM
    So munch elitism there it's dripping off my screen. Your post is funny b/c when FCP 1.0 was announced the many of "pro" editors of the time gasped b/c it, well, "dumbed down" editing, similar to how Pagemaker 1.0 dumbed down publishing.

    What Apple does best, what it's always done best, is define new paradigms. It sounds like that is what may happen on Tues. Clearly, for all your snobbery, you are a horse and buggy driver and not a buyer into the Model T thing. Enjoy your Linux, but physical media is still dying, nonetheless. Editing for the web needs a new set of editing tools. YouTube has a lot of professionally edited material. It's not all cell phone clips.

    So, in other words... you are excited that Apple might be dumbing down FCS for you? Well, good for you! Maybe you will be understand how to use it now to edit weekend skate videos of you and your buddies. Have fun with that.

    Mar 31, 02:44 PM
    What so many fail to realize is iOS was made for the iPad from the get-go. It's been mentioned many times that what became the iPad was in development longer than the original iPhone.

    This goes to show that iOS conceptualization is light years ahead of Android. It's so obvious Google is scrambling, and seems to be making this stuff as they go along, without any sense of a master design guiding the way.

    Aug 26, 08:12 AM
    No, because different versions of the ranges were initially posted only recently has it been clarified...get with the program and stop trying to be a smartass

    Get with what program? I went to the support site on the day the recall was announced, checked to see if my serial number was in the range, it wasn't, and I went on with my life. Just to be safe, I even checked back a couple days later, and the ranges were still the same as the first time I checked.

    I had to do the same thing wheh I was checking out our Dell laptops at the office. It's really not that difficult a concept. I think some people just like to have something to complain about.

    Aug 5, 05:49 PM

    Finally, I think if there's any support for Front Row in the Mac Pros or Xserves, then the displays must have built-in iSight.

    Why is Front Row dependent on iSight ?

    Apr 7, 11:30 PM
    Apple products are price-locked. No second hand retailer marks up on them, like Bose. Retailers are told what to sell at and they comply or they lose rights to sell the product. If these are overpriced, it is Apples doing.

    You might want to look at Best Buy's pricing again.

    All iPads, iPods and Macs are sold $.99 (at minimum) above Apple.

    Time Capsule 1TB $334.99 at Best Buy, $299.00 at Apple
    2TB $499.99, $499.00 at Apple

    Airport Extreme - $189.99 at Best Buy $179.00 at Apple
    Express, $109.99 at Best Buy, $99.00 at Apple

    The small accessories are just as bad. And Apple isn't the only brand they mark over MSRP too. I wouldn't be surprised is Bose products were too.

    Mar 2, 10:01 PM
    Hes a quack.

    Heres a nicely done documenting of the doctors distortions too:'s%20lies.pdf

    And here is what the Southern Poverty Law Center has to say about him:

    I figured the research and findings were a little skewed when they found that lesbians had more heterosexual sex than heterosexual women did. :rolleyes:

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